Monday, September 10, 2007


I am going to a Retirement Seminar on Sunday hosted by my union. I hope to be the youngest person in the room. My ego could use it, and I might be able to win the race to the best seat in the room. I am a little excited and a little nervous. I worked for many many years as a freelance film worker in Utah. Because Utah is a "right to work state," the film workers are not required to be part of a union to work on a show. This is good get to work, but bad because you don't get ANY benefits. When I moved to LA I joined a union and now get all the good stuff (health insurance, pension plan, vacation pay). I am very interested to see how it works. Working freelance I took for granted the added bonuses of benefits packages! I have no idea how much I have earned in Pension funds during the last three years, if any. When planning for retirement, it's probably a good idea to understand the plan your employer has set up for you. Duh. Free money... count me in! One more step toward my year long goal.

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